What You Should Know About Web Pay What you should know about Web Pay*Payments submitted using this web pay service may take up to three business days (excluding holidays) to post to your Smiths Water & Sewer Authority (SWSA) account. If you are attempting to avoid service interruption because of a past due balance, you should not use this service. Instead, call the SWSA office to arrange for prompt payment of your account balance. To avoid a late fee, please submit your web payment at least three business days before the “pay after” date indicated on your bill. Account balances will be assessed a late fee for any balance remaining on your SWSA account after the “pay after” date indicated on your bill. If a past due balance is indicated on your bill, your service may be scheduled for interruption. Payment of past due balance should be paid immediately upon receipt of past due bill but not less than three business days before the “pay after” date indicated on your bill. Your account will remain scheduled for interruption until payment of past due balance has fully processed. A web pay confirmation number only indicates that you have submitted a payment. It does not indicate that your payment has fully processed. No consideration will be given for late fees, delinquent fees or service interruption that is the result of an untimely web payment. Funds submitted using this web pay service may clear your bank or credit card account before your payment has posted to your SWSA account. Any debit card, credit card, or electronic check item returned to us unpaid by your bank will be assessed a fee of $30.00. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above policy and terms of service. By using this service, I agree to abide by the terms contained therein.*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Have A Question? FAQ